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Reiki (pronounced Ray Key) is a hands on natural healing system that works with your Ki/Chi, or life-force energy.

Rei = spirit, aura or subtle energy

Ki = name given to the vital energy and power that surrounds the physical universe. It provides vitality to maintain health, balance and wellbeing on all levels

All cultures and races throughout history have known about the invisible force or energy that flows through and within all living things. Chinese called it Chi, Japanese called it Ki, and Indians called it Prana.

At the beginning of the 20th century Mikao Usui, a Japanese man, discovered the key to this ancient knowledge following a lifelong quest to uncover the source of ancient healing techniques. From there he developed the Reiki principles and system used today.


Reiki is an extremely gentle treatment that will do no harm.  It is a totally holistic system, which allows the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies the opportunity to rebalance in a non-intrusive manner.


Reiki is also used to help harmonize the 7 main ‘Chakras’ or energy centres in your body – Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye & Crown.

These chakras exist within all of us, in the same way that we have a physical body, we also have a subtle body.  Our chakras are part of a large network of subtle energies.

The word ‘chakra’ is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or “disk”.

If you could see the chakras (some people are able to do this), you would see different coloured wheels of continuous energy rotating around each chakra.

Many people believe illness is caused because our chakras are imbalanced or blocked, Reiki can help to rebalance and unblock the chakras to allow the free flow of the bodys energy.

Reiki is known to assist in

  • Reduction of stress and pain
  • Reduced levels of anxiety
  • Improvement of sleep patterns
  • Replenished energy levels
  • Enhanced sense of well-being


What to expect:

Each 1 hour Reiki session begins with a short consultation, before the client is invited to move to the massage table, fully clothed.

The treatment begins with the client lying on their back and approximately half an hour into the treatment you will be gently prompted to roll onto your front.

The practitioner places their hands above, and lightly on the body in sequence that will allow the free flow of universal energy and stimulate healing from within.

Once your treatment is over, you will be given the opportunity to rest for a few minutes and offered a glass to water to help refresh your system.